Nikki Nieboer

This year’s award recipient was nominated for the Mentor Recognition Award by both her caseworker and her mentees. Her family’s journey began 12 years ago as kinship caregivers for a beautiful girl whom they adopted. This evolved as they began their fostering journey. Their family has grown to include 2 adopted Bonus children and 3 […]
Jen Welsh

This year’s Mentor Recognition Award honours Jen Welsh. Jen and her husband have been valued, caregivers for 8 years. They have 3 biological and 2 adopted children, as well as one bonus, foster daughter. Jen is active and creative. She enjoys time with friends and family, golfing, hiking, skiing, scrapbooking and spending time at their […]
Christina Hernandez

Our Mentor Recognition Award recipient for 2021 received three strong nominations, two from recent mentee’s and one from her caseworker. She is a very worthy recipient for the Mentor Recognition Award for 2021. Christina Hernandez has been a foster parent for 10 years and a Mentor for 4 years, supporting 15 new foster and kinship […]
Verna Isley
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Sue McPherson

This year, our Mentor Recognition Award Recipient was nominated by two of her mentees. A commendable accomplishment!