Foster Family Referral Program Q&A April 2024

Foster Family Referral Program Q&A April 2024


April 17, 2024    
6:00 pm - 6:45 pm


Bookings closed

Event Type

As you may be aware, the Government of Alberta recently announced an initiative program to bolster the number of foster families in our Province. As we all know, there is an ongoing demand for safe, loving and supportive homes for children and youth in need, and that is true now more than ever! One program is a referral fee of $500 to current foster families who refer a potential caregiving family that leads to the creation of a new licensed home.
We would like to share further information about this initiative on April 17 at 6pm. This will be a TEAMS meeting (no need to have the app, you can open the platform in your browser), so please join us from the comfort of your home!
This info session is open to ALL current foster families in the Calgary Region, not just CRFKA members, so please, feel free to pass this info on and have non CRFKA members contact Jen Welsh at [email protected] directly for registration.

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Bookings are closed for this event.