The Mission of the Calgary Foster Parents Association (CRFKA) is to provide support for Foster Families and to advocate for the betterment of children in care.
Without regard to race, gender, age or disability, and in cooperation with Calgary Region Children’s Services, we accept, love and care for the children placed in our care until such time as they are able to return home or else be placed into another permanent setting.
In the 1960s, there was a strongly felt need for Alberta Foster Parents to band together into Associations to:
Edmonton led the way in forming their Association in 1967.
Calgary followed a year later with the formation of the Calgary and District Foster Parents Association (CRFKA) in 1968.
In 2018, the CRFKA will celebrate 50 years of aiding and assisting Foster Parents, organizing events for children in care and being a voice to various levels of the Provincial Government.
The Alberta Foster Parent Association was formed in 1975 as an umbrella organization to represent not only foster parents in Calgary and Edmonton but other areas of the Province. The CRFKA continues to show strong support to the Alberta Foster Parent Association.
Over the years, the CRFKA has continued to promote and honor the valuable work of foster parents in the Calgary Area. We do this through our participation in the National Foster Parents Awareness week every October. Key activities for this week in Calgary include.
The Calgary Foster Parents Association is proud of a long history of helping Foster Parents and Children in Care. As we reach our 50th year of service, we welcome new generations of leadership to continue this role.
There are eleven board positions for the Calgary and District Foster Parents Association. The board of directors holds meetings nine times per year. They are responsible for supporting foster and kinship families, liaising with Child Region Children’s Services and the Alberta Foster and Kinship Association. They plan and organize events that appeal to a wide variety of families. Fundraising for these activities is also coordinated by the board.
Elections are held each June at an annual general meeting. Each term is a two year commitment with the President, Recording Secretary and 3 Directors elected on even numbered years and the Vice President, Treasurer and remaining Directors on odd.
© 2025 Calgary Region Foster & Kinship Association