The following Policies and Procedures have been passed into use by the CRFKA Board of Directors on March 18, 2024. Members will be notified upon the update of any information set forth herein.
Welcome to the CRFKA. We are pleased to offer many great opportunities to our families. Please read and review the following information. All members and their families need to be aware of the important information provided.
- Members shall respectfully represent themselves and their association.
- Foster and Kinship Members will adhere to the guidelines set forth under their Contract to Foster.
- Foster and Kinship Members must hold a current Foster/Kinship License in good standing with the Government of Alberta.
- All Members are expected to attend the Association’s Annual General Meeting
- Failure to meet any of the above requirements may result in the suspension or cancellation of membership
Your CRFKA yearly membership includes you, your spouse, and your children (bio, adopted, kinship, foster, and/or respite) under the age of 18.
- Members may bring their spouse/foster/kinship/adopted/biological children to events.
- When applicable, “aids” will be allowed to attend events with permission from the Event Coordinator.
- Some events will allow “outside” participants to attend (ie: Grandparents, Cousins, Friends etc). If this is possible, tickets will be sold at a cost and must be purchased before the event online.
Where tickets are available for purchase, please contact the CRFKA for pricing.
Failure to comply with the above-mentioned guidelines may result in suspension of membership for up to 12 months with no refund of membership dues.
Members should consider each event individually and whether it suits their family or not.
- All events will be posted online through the CRFKA website and registration will take place online unless otherwise noted by the Event Coordinator.
- Members shall make note of the event details, special restrictions, etc at the time of registration and ensure requirements are met for each “ticket” they sign up for.
- Members shall make note of the Event Coordinator and their contact information.
- Members who sign up are expected to honor the “tickets” they sign up for.
- If, after you have signed up for an event, your family dynamics change, it is your responsibility to immediately inform the Event Coordinator of any changes to your “tickets” that may be needed.
- If you cannot attend an event after you have signed up for it, it is your immediate responsibility to cancel your tickets. Refund of ticketing cost may be refunded, however, is not guaranteed.
Upon admittance to all CRFKA events, members must check in with the Event Coordinator (or designated coordinator) prior to the start of said event. Instructions on where to meet your Event Coordinator will be clearly communicated when you sign up for the event.
While the nature of foster care lends itself to last minute changes, all members who have signed up for an event should attend said events. In the event that you cannot attend:
- Go online and withdraw your registration prior the event “cut off” date.
- If you cannot attend the event and it is past the “cut off” date, please email or call the Event Coordinator.
- If you cannot attend on the day of the event, a phone call to the Event Coordinator will be required.
Failure to comply with the above-mentioned guidelines may result in suspension of membership for up to 12 months with no refund of membership dues.
Volunteer opportunities present themselves many times throughout the year. Some opportunities are:
- Hold a Position on the CRFKA Board
- Sit on an “Event Committee” (ie: Christmas Party Committee, Banquet Committee)
- Work 1 shift at our bi-annual Casino
- Work 1 shift at our annual Christmas Party
- Work 1 “sign in” shift at our monthly events
We currently have many wonderful volunteers in our Association. We encourage everyone to participate in your Association by volunteering in some capacity at events throughout the year. Please consider choosing the “I would like to volunteer at this event” button located at the Event Sign Up Page.
“Many hands make light work”
CRFKA members are fortunate to benefit from tickets provided from Kids Up Front. Kids Up Front is successful in providing thousands of kids with great experiences, thanks to their network of 160 partner agencies operating within education, health and the community-service sectors.
It is essential to our partnership with this program that tickets are used in an appropriate manner. The guidelines set forth below are mandated by Kids Up Front along with the CRFKA. Failure to comply will not only jeopardize your “good member” standing with the CRFKA but will jeopardize our relationship with Kids Up Front.
- Always read the instructions provided before requesting tickets. For example, where and when tickets need to be collected.
- Tickets may be used by only those people listed in “Event Participants”, as above, though some circumstances allow for flexibility. If in doubt, please contact the Administrative Coordinator.
- The consumption of drugs and/or alcohol is not permitted before, during, or immediately following a ticket opportunity provided by KUF including box suites.
- Tickets are NOT for resale.
- Children and youth (18 and under) must attend the events. Parents and chaperones are of course encouraged to attend, but there should be a higher or equal ratio of kids to adults. Our events are never adults only. We do realize that children need transportation and supervision while at events, so this is not an issue; we also know that some teens can safely take themselves to events. Outreach workers, mentors, family members, etc are welcome to take the children and youth to the event and watch it with them. This encourages the formation and preservation of healthy and positive social relationships!
- Ticket recipients are encouraged to provide a thank you card following the event. Thank you cards don’t need to be fancy or store-bought, the more crayon the better! Thank you cards are requested to be sent to the CRFKA Administrative Coordinator in a timely manner. All thank you cards are passed on to the ticket donor, please do not include last names and include the event date if possible. Kids Up Front donors absolutely LOVE to receive these cards! It is very heartwarming and meaningful!
Failure to comply with the above-mentioned guidelines may result in suspension of membership for up to 12 months with no refund of membership dues.